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For over 4o years, MedAire has been the preferred partner providing tailored assistance, expert education, and innovative equipment for Business & General Aviation, Commercial Aviation, and Yachts.

With 24/7 support and industry-leading solutions, we help ensure safety, health, and security worldwide.


Celebrating a legacy of innovation and industry firsts from developing bespoke medical kits to founding the first global response centre for aviation. Our commitment to pioneering solutions continues as we look ahead, ensuring excellence for every journey.


MCA Category C Medical Kit

MedAire's Offshore Medical Kit

MedAire's Offshore Medical Kit meets MCA Category C

The legal compliance requirements your yacht falls under depends on your flag state and most flag states reference MSN 1905.

MedAire's Offshore Medical Kit fulfuls MCA Category C requirements: Vessels travelling no further than 60 nautical miles (or roughly six hours travel time to medical care).

Why choose MedAire's Offshore Medical Kit?

  • Enables you to assist quickly and accurately in a medical situation.
  • Logically assembled and colour-coded, saving you valuable time in treating a range of emergency and routine medical situations.
  • Linking with MediTrack, a time-saving digital inventory management tool which allows you to easily log your medication usage. 
  • Integrated with MedAire: Our team can view your accurate inventory 
  • Space efficient: Medication is vacuum sealed, reducing overall size by up to 40% and minimising the risk of exposure to the elements.
  • Data driven: MedAire have managed over half a million aviation and maritime cases, choices within our medical kits are driven by our unique data, in consultation SMEs 

Medical Kit Contains: 

  • Green Pouch: Personal protection items (sunscreen and insect repellent)
  • Red Pouch: Injectable antibiotics , injection equipment, emergency medications, controlled medications
  • Orange Pouch: Gastrointestinal, allergies, oral antibiotics, pain relief, anti-inflammatory
  • CrashPAC: Gloves, CPR face shield, triangular bandages, crepe bandages, trauma scissors, hypothermia sheet, universal malleable splint, wound dressings, burns plastic bags
  • Black Pouch: Dressings, antiseptics, tapes, bandages, creams
  • Blue Pouch: Eyes, ears, dental

Easily manage your medical kit inventory with MediTrack

MediTrack allows you to digitally log your medical kit usage. Accessed via the ‘MediTrack’ tab within our client Portal, some of the key features include:

  • View orders in transit and receipt orders 
  • Log usage in the most convenient way for you
  • Easily see what medication has or hasn't used 
  • Record patient usage details to your local device

When it is time to restock your medical kit, the combination of our eShop and customer care team make it an effortless process. 
MediTrack log usage screen