MedAire's Hangar Safety Training
Prepare maintenance crew and hangar employees to respond in an emergency
When accidents occur, your maintenance crew needs to be prepared to respond. Do they know what they should do to minimize injury and reduce risks?
MedAire courses help maintenance personnel and crew identify common hangar hazards, increase hangar safety and respond to an injury or medical event within the hangar.

- Hands-on first-responder medical training with course material adapted for the hangar environment.
- Learn techniques to recognize, prevent and respond to sudden medical emergencies that commonly occur in hangars.
- Based on your hangar environment and equipment, instructors show your employees where to find equipment in the hangar and how to use an AED.
- Earn certification for AED and CPR modules from the American Heart Association (AHA) or European Resuscitation Council (ERC).
- MedAire instructors conduct a walk-through of your hangar and identify potential risks.
- MedAire instructors have extensive backgrounds in aviation and emergency medicine; they understand both the aircraft and hangar environment and the circumstances unique to both.
BE PREPARED: MedAire One-day Hangar Safety Awareness
One-day Hangar Safety awareness training is designed for aviation maintenance professionals who are exposed to work hazards in the hangar every day. Students are prepared to recognize, prevent and respond to sudden medical emergency situations commonly occurring in confined environments. The course focuses on treatment for medical or traumatic injury in the first 10 minutes until help arrives.
OSHA CERTIFIED: Two-day Hangar Safety Program
Earn an OSHA General Industry Certificate for participation in MedAire’s Two-Day Hangar Safety Program. Earn a U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 10-hour course completion card and fulfil OSHA General Industry Requirements such as: hazard communication, hazardous material, electrical safety, walking and working surfaces, means of egress and fire protection, personal protective equipment, noise exposure.