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How A Mobile App Can Save Your Life

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We live in a world where threats, risks, and dangers are inevitable and can occur when least expected. But did you know that 99% of the time, crew members begin to feel unsafe far before a security incident occurs? Bond’s on-demand preventative Personal Security SAFE platform enables access to immediate support from highly trained Personal Security Agents 24/7. The MedAire and Bond partnership adds a layer of security that keeps crew and valued clients safe while away from home.

Bond Saves Crew Member While Feeling Unsafe in a Taxi

A flight attendant finds herself in danger on a layover in Mexico while taking a taxi back to her hotel. Her driver kept making inappropriate advances and comments toward her. Eventually, the driver suggested they go elsewhere instead of taking her home. She demanded he let her out of the car, but he looked at her through the mirror, locked the doors, and proceeded to drive. Frightened to make an emergency call while in the car with the driver, she notifies the Bond Command Center from the MedAire Aviation App with the chat feature, stating that she is in a dangerous situation.

The Bond Personal Security Agent switches the woman to audio listening while muting his end. He hears the driver making inappropriate comments toward the crew member, declaring it an emergency, dispatches local responders, and initiates a police search and rescue. Bond provides real-time situational awareness to the police: information about the victim, location of the moving car, details of the driver, and more. Finally, after tracking the car for miles, the police find a point to stop the car and save the flight attendant.

Bond provides world-class personal security for crew. The MedAire Aviation App provides the next level of real-time personal security services, carrying the power of your own Personal Security Agent in your pocket every time you head out of the house. Without the help from Bond, who knows what would have happened to the crew member.

A Pilot Was Followed in Paris

A pilot from Sweden was on a layover in Paris and needed to exchange cash for the weekend. Her hotel, unfortunately, didn't have an ATM but could locate one a short distance away. It was around seven o'clock in the evening, and the sun had started to set. While walking, the pilot realized her navigation on her cell phone led her down the wrong street, making the walk even further. However, it didn't bother her as she continued walking and enjoyed watching the sky turn from a red-orange glow into a shadowy night, unaware of the present dangers around her.

The pilot walked past a group of people near a dark alley. She noticed that one person had stepped away and started walking in her direction. After a few moments, she felt someone following her. She continued walking about a block before glancing behind her. The pilot caught a man studying her from a distance. Frightened, she immediately opened the MedAire Aviation App with Bond and activated the Video Monitor Me feature. A Bond Personal Security agent instantly appeared on the screen of her phone. As the pilot describes her situation, the Bond Security agent tells her to stay on the call until she arrives safely at the ATM. The Bond Personal Security agent monitored the pilot to her destination, ready to alert the nearest authorities if the agent detected any danger.

When the pilot arrived at the ATM, she reexamined her surroundings. The man was nowhere to be found, and she could make her withdrawal safely. The Bond Personal Security Agent accompanied the pilot back to her hotel, giving her accurate directions to ensure she walked the quickest route. Fortunately, the man disappeared, and the pilot safely made it back to her hotel. The Bond Agent recommended she tell the front desk clerk what happened with a description of the man following her. The pilot made it to her room safely and locked all the doors. The Bond Personal Security Agent suggested that she turn on the Video Monitor Me feature every time she had to walk somewhere alone and confirmed she felt safe and secure before they disconnected.

What to Do if You Get Stuck in an Elevator

A flight attendant had to stay overnight in Chicago. While coming home from dinner, he used the elevator to go up to his room. As he ascended, the elevator suddenly paused on the 11th floor. About a minute later, he attempted to push the "door open" and "door close" buttons a few times, but no response. He then attempted to press the button for another floor, yet still nothing. Finally, trying to remain calm, the flight attendant pushed to activate the elevator alarm only to find himself stuck in an elevator where the elevator alarm, including the call button, was not responsive.

The flight attendant started to panic but remembered the MedAire Aviation App with Bond. Using Bond's on-demand preventative personal security platform, you can get immediate support from a personal security agent 24 hours a day. The flight attendant opened the MedAire Aviation App and managed to connect with a Bond Security Agent within seconds. He described his situation, and the Security Agent attempted to walk him through the steps to activate the fire alarm again, yet the elevator was still not responsive.

The crew member gave the Agent specific instruction on where he was located, including the name of his hotel, what elevator he walked into, and what floor he was shut in. The Agent then deployed the local fire department to his precise location and was able to free the crew member. From the moment the flight attendant stepped onto the elevator to the time that he was free took only a total of 32 minutes, all thanks to the MedAire Aviation App with Bond's assistance. As a result of Bond's quick response, the flight attendant avoided the fear and anxiety of being enclosed in an elevator with limited options.

When a threat is present, crew members' safety is guaranteed with the MedAire Aviation App with Bond readily available on their mobile devices. This technology instantaneously connects crew members with a Personal Security Agent, allows crew to schedule security checks, and enables live location tracking and video monitoring. This way, users fully control the level of monitoring they need to feel safe. From putting an agent on standby to end-to-end route monitoring – giving an added layer of security while carrying the MedAire Aviation App integrated with Bond.


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